Today i would like to start my blog with something about me, it start from i first step into college until now, it is around me,maybe for certain student also.....
After every student finish their secondary school life, most of the student also think about the further education.i also juz same.when i start choose for my further education, actually not much choice for me also.why say so???sure is bcoz of my spm result.i juz get 4A in my my choice is juz either go study at politeknik or study at TARCollege at that time.For me, sure i want the college life more than study at politeknik. (need to face many Malays)AT LAST.....i choose TAR College for my next destination.....
When start study in college, first thing that i think is about college fees.I'm very worry about that.the course that i take is SBS course.every sem the fees is around RM1.5+K.maybe for certain student that is juz a small amount.but for me that is quite a large amount.
My parents is juz work as a gardener (something like farmer also), how much can they earn for 1 month???i study in college, my sister study in USM, they are not need to pay for our education fees only, but also our daily activities needs.i know they cant afford this, i know it long time already, but i cant do anything....
As a son or daughter,what can we do actually?when i know about that thing,i have think about work partime job.but my parents worry about me, so they didn't let me working.what my dad said is juz.....只要你们能好好读书,不管我和妈妈做工做到多辛苦,这一切都是值得的。when i heard about that, i really touch, and i know what can i do for my future already.the only thing that i can do is juz need to pay more effort on my study.everytime they saw my result, the happy feeling that appear on their face, i saw it clearly.....
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