today is monday, 11am class, so juz same, wake up at 10am, brush my teeth n change my clothes , then juz go to attened lecture. dunno why. today class is very enjoy for me. hee^^. maybe is because is teory chapter, not calculaton. Now i'm scare about calculation, scare to memories formula. damm difficult to remember it!!!(>_<)Teory more easy, juz understand it, then can do exam question ady!!!hehe(^_^)finish lecture, straight go to canteen to have lunch. walk very fast....because i know every monday 1pm, canteen should many ppl. no matter how fast i walk, when i juz arrive, canteen already got about 50++ ppl Q up there. today, i wait 30 minutes juz reach my turn. Haiz!!!why need so loong time???because hor.... the canteen staff all is ah pek ah mah ady, sure slow motion what....haiz
after finish whole day class. juz reach home, n doing non sense thing. check friendster lar. chatting n blah blah blah.....until 5pm, my sports competition leader who call "Banana" come fetch me, i juz go to his home to meeting. today meeting juz discuss about the who want to handle which activities. u know what activities i handle???LOL...always the expert lor. Basketball again. actually not i want de. the leader choose de. because he know i'm state player, so.....juz choose me lor.(=_=)but i think basketball match is more earsier for me, because i already know all the rules. hahaha(^_^) sap sap water lar.....our group got 6 person, n me is the only one girl in the group. why become like that har???so surprising for me.
today really a lot of thing need to do. first thing, tutorial question. Haiz.(T_T) tutor will check tomorow, so need to do. cant be lazy!!!second is marketing assignment. friday need to past up. one word also din start yet, want bang wall liao. but luckily finance assignment no need to do, my group member do it, n juz write my name there. wakaka(^_^) syok nia!!!!third thing is basketball match planning....need past up tomorow. because tomorow have a meeting with SWC member. they will ask our question about the activity. Haiz....a little bit scare....(+_+)
what a busy day!!!!so blog also need until now juz got time to write it. after finish writing, need to continue to do homework liao. Sianz Sianz Sianz!!!(-_-)ZZzzz
write by:
wendy loh
2008年3月31日 星期一
So busy Today....(>_<)
2008年3月30日 星期日
1st time drive car to penang bridge!!!
back from kampung again.....hee^^
last friday, Haiz!!!(T_T) i din go for see 卢学睿, why???bcoz my eyes lor. when i juz wake up that morning, my eyes become 1 big 1 small. right eye 肿. my eyes become like that, don say go see 卢学睿. i want go college also feel shy ar!!!(>_<)so, that day when i go to attend class, i juz walk silently, n my eyes juz see the floor, scare let ppl see my eyes. Paiseh nia!!!! after class, i juz back KP by bus. when arrive home, my mum call me go clinic take some medicine. after take it, i feel better ady. LOL....sure it cant recover quickly lar. so, today still feel a bit pain.
today morning, i wake up very early. about 9.30am like that. because i want go my secondary school to take sijil SPM. but when i arrive admin office, n say i want take sijil SPM, the admintrator say the sijil for 2006 din comes out. need to wait 2 year juz can take. thats mean 2009 juz can take my sijil SPM.Wahlao ler. waste my sleep time nia. take ntg there....haiz!!!(=_=)
5pm, start drive car to back penang ady. Wow!!!so excited....(^_^) today is my first time drive car go penang. feel scare...because penang many car lor. but my mum say want to train me. so, i juz drive lor. finally, i juz drive until penang bridge nia. because my dad want go penang road, i dunno how to go. so, juz change for my dad to drive lor. a bit dissapointed...(=_=)but can drive until penang bridge , i already admire myself liao lor!!!!many ppl also can drive until there ar!!!...i very 厉害liao lor....wakaka
after take my dinner with my dad n mum, juz back tanjung bungah liao!!!arrive penang home. when i juz walk in the house. Wah!!!(@_@), why my hostel become so clean???????<----many question marks.....actually my hostel very dirty before. eh, don think that is i do de Oo.....i din do that!!!i am a clean person, u know?....wakaka(^_^)very surprising about my hostel environment. Juz my room seem like no different, but i also know got ppl clean my room. u know why i know it???because hor....they clean until my thing put wrong place.haha...thats why..... i know got ppl clean it.hehehe^^
the most interest thing happened today is what my title write lor. maybe next time, i want drive until penang liao. not only to penang bridge. ok lar.all thing happened today already finish writing. juz Stop here...bye!!!
write by:
wendy loh
2008年3月27日 星期四
Simple Simple day.....
today morning a bit moodless, that is because of what is happened in last night. last night, my laptop suddenly become no sound at all. no matter how i do it , its also no bunyi keluar. my friend call me to check the sound system or hardware, but after this also remain the same.Haiz, why my speacker will spoil???wuwuwu(T_T) that time, i very very scare, n donno what should i do???so, i juz tell my friend who know about computer. they call me don worry, n maybe i can call the Dell techincian. but what i feeling that time is....besides scare n sadness, i also feel i'm very lucky, bcoz many ppl also care with me. somemore i have 1 friend who call Alex, he help me to find the Dell serive phone number, n also want come to my home help me to check my laptop speaker even already midnight. Alex, what you doing for me i already feel it, thanks a lot for ur helping.hehe(^_^)
that is the matter happened yesterday. today morning when wake up, i juz think about my laptop problem. so, i juz start my laptop, n see its condition. wah......(@_@) miracle happened. my laptop already got sound. Yeah Yeah!!!!really really happy. my heart's stone already gone lor....wakaka!!!afternoon, me n jin sheng go to gurney plaza, actually i call him acompany me to buy the new external speaker de. but it already recover, so we juz go to watch movie lor. when we juz reach, straight go to GSC o buy ticket. DEATHY GHOST....not so nice, but it also scare me many time. jin sheng sit besides me also feel funny. because i always shout. hahaha^^after finish the movie, juz go to eat our lunch. our lunch eat at Chopper Board. almost 5pm, we juz have our lunch. GENG!!!admire with myself. nasib baik no gastrik today.
think about tomorow, haiz!!!donno want back KP or not??? a bit miss my home, my bed, my mum, my dad and etc. but i also want stay at penang to see 星光帮--->卢学睿!!!LOL, don know how to make decision. my brain still need to think 1st. but mostly is stay at penang lar....wakaka!!!(^_^)小美, 等我O!!!!i will go to meet you soon......
write by:
wendy loh
2008年3月26日 星期三
midterm test coming....
today start my midterm test, so yesterday do revision until don think like i very hardworking O.actually i also 临时抱佛脚 de. haha(^_^) today morning, wake up at 12pm, because i want study, so today din go out buy lunch liao. waste time!!!juz cincai eat. so, my lunch juz a cup of milo. what my study is all about finance, my lecturer say who are money face de sure interest in this subject. i think i also quiet money face de. so, i find some fun in this subject. hehe....but chapter 3, wah, pening lor. all formula. about 10++ formula need to memories. what to do??juz read lor. no idea ady....(>_<)
5.30pm, raining start, but i din carry umbrella, juz walk to college for test. after reach LB1, take a place to sit down. juz start my test. Haiz. very scare i will forget what i'm read last night n this morning. mostly the answer not really sure de. juz simply write n never let it blank only. 1 hour ago, time up ady. so, i juz pass up the paper and back home. when i reach home 1st thing that i do is to check my answer lor. Aiyo, Alamak!!!debt ratio's formula wrong ady.(T_T) but nasib baik , juz 1 question wrong. Haiz.....not confident for my test juz now. sure cant get good result, but if want pass only ,maybe can lar.(=_=)
when 8++pm, juz drive my lovely motor go to kaleel nasi kandar to buy my dinner!!!today dinner is roti canai + roti bom. roti bom there quiet tasty de. after buying, suddenly think about soft drink , so juz drive to 7-11 to buy lor. unfortunaly, the mechine there already rosak.that mechine always rosak 1. next time want go to suggest the staff to throw the mechine away liao.wakaka(^_^) stomach tell me , it already hungry, so i juz quickly back to the home and take my dinner lor.
actually today juz a normal day. what is adnormal is only my midterm test nia . but already past jor. continuely is my assignment ady. new sony product to introduce in new market is the question for marketing. my group members say want to do car navigator. so, i need to find some info about that product. ok lar. nothing to write ady, stop here n go to do non -sense thing...hehe(^_^) tata....muacks!!!
write by:
wendi loh
2008年3月25日 星期二
Happiness day!!!(^_^)
juz stop study n write blog here.haha^^
today afternoon juz got class. hehe. (^_^)so, today i'm wake up at 11pm. after wake up, u guess what the 1st thing that i do???yeah, u are correct. juz ONLINE lor. always like that de lar. don feel surprising. after bath, straight go to buy lunch n eat quickly. because i already late. i walk very fast to college. wah, i juz reach the class, my face like juz after washing. hahaha^^fortunaly i din make up today, if not, sure will very ungly.OO...nasib baik....
today got damm boring subject's class, really really boring!!! so, whole lecture i juz sembang kuat with my classmate who also very ''kap xiao'' de. ^^what we talk about???LOL...what should girl talk about ar?? sure talk about boy boy lor. but she n me also is single lar. still need ppl come to chase to become couple. haha. eh!!! ee lin don always perli me ok? sometimes say about club house's boy, sometimes say about saik huang pula. LOL(=_=) saik huang is ur boy boy lar. he juz sms me during the class nia. don jeaolus. he juz saja kacau me only!!! talk about saik huang ar. he is the guy who always ponteng class, but final exam result better than me de. the god so unfair lar. me very hardworking result also bad than him. too bad....that guy very like kacau me 1. when i wear sleeveless , sure he ask me i will feel cold or not!! wahlao....(>_<) somemore today(when i sms in class), he juz sit behind me nia, sms me call me don sms in class , especially for boy boy.Haiz. he really very wu liao de. haha^^
hiak hiak(^_^) tomorow morning class sure less people will attend. why? bcoz all of us pakat-pakat ponteng mar. so, the lecturer sure very surprising de. eh, not me say want ponteng de. wen xin lor!!!(the best student in my class) she is the head for ponteng tomorow class. she say she din come nia. all ppl also follow. u know why??? the best student also din come, the bad student come also no meaning lar. hahaha.^^(eh, wendy, lazy say lazy lar. don talk about another ppl lar. wakaka!!)
another happy thing is i already is a sports competition group member for orientation week 2008. without interview oh!!! why without anything also can be a member???bcoz i hav many friend lor. my friend is the leader mar. so, i have this entitle lor.hahaha(^_^)Oopps, write blog until forgot study liao. tomorow got test , i still have 2 more chapter. mati liao. k lar. stop here. continue study.....
write by:
wendy loh
2008年3月24日 星期一
i'm feel helpless.....(T_T)
today write blog a bit early. bcoz got many bad thing happened today. today wake up at 10am, n go to college at 11am. actually today planning want go to apply the student leader form n go interview de. but when i saw the swc members sit at the counter, wah!!!so scare. no dare go to take form. so today i juz give up, n see weither tomorow i'm daring or not. dissapointed with myself.(=_=)
when juz finish class n reach the hostel, yi shan calling me. (yi shan is the girl who want to rent house for me). i know her call is something no good happened ady. what she tell me is call me pay deposit for her as soon as possible. because too many ppl want to rent the house. when say about pay deposit!!!really headache!!! i need to correct money from ah yun n yan shan.but i'm at penang now, how i take the money from them wor? somemore yan shan now in NS, Haiz.what should i do? so i juz ask ah yun how about the deposit, she say she can pay for yan shan 1st. n i call ah yun take the money for my mum, n my mum will bank in the money for me. so, i can pay the deposit more faster. i think all the thing already settle ady. but i'm wrong.....
after few hours, yi shan call me again. she say she already pass the house problem to the house owner, bcoz she want to move out from the house ady. Har!!scare me. then, how about the streamyx. that day she say she will open a streamyx line for us de. but now all already gone. (>_<)the house no steamyx line. sure ah yun n yan shan don want rent liao. don say them, i also don want rent ady, if no streamyx. Haiz. what should i do now? i can go where find the house that hav internet line 1. really trouble!!!
why all the thing cant settle easly de? always got something problem de. i think i cant help ah yun them to find house ady. because i also no idea now. anybody can help me???i want die liao. Haiz......(T_T)feel helpless....
write by:
wendy loh
2008年3月23日 星期日
A stupid story want to tell you guys!!!^^
wah, 2 day din write my blog ady. u know why? sure balik kampung lor. let u all know lar. mostly friday n saturday i will at hometown , so i cant write blog for this 2 day. today i take 3pm de bus to back penang. reach penang jetty about 5.15pm. wahlao, when i juz reach bus stop, the bus juz start. so , i need to wait 1 hour for the next bus. today reach hostel at 7++pm. damm slow!!! 4 hours juz reach penang!!!4 HOURS???? if i take tranasional ar. 4 hours actually can go KL ady. Haiz. what to do?the Rapid Penang so slow 1. call what rapid lar? can change name ady lar. change to ''Slow Penang'' lar. stupid!!!hahaha.....
when juz reach home, first thing i do lor. everyday also like that de!!reach home online, wake up online, finish class also online, my whole diary not sperate with online, if no steamyx for me? juz same like no rice for me to eat. i will die soon.hehe(^_^) eh, until now the stupid story not yet start wor. ok lar. let me tell what the stupid story happened....
Few day ago, i received a message from jacky say he already got new number , that is 017-4567844. wow, so beautiful lar this number. aiyo, sure lor. handphone shop's tauke wor. sure will find the beautiful number lar. so, i din think too much juz save the number as jacky handphone number. last friday, when i attend the lecture class, my phone ring again. eh, i received a messange from jacky, he call me send photo for him, he want to use for phonebook. but my sim card din open mms, so i cant send for him. he said nvm n ask me where is my hometown. ahdui. jacky u know me how long ady???my home u also got go there b4. i feel jacky wrong sending that msg, so i juz reply him what i say juz now. but after that he never reply my msg.
until today noon, jacky send msg n ask me what i'm doing now? bcoz i din hear my phone rang, so i reply him a bit late n say i'm at the bus juz now. after that, he also din reply my msg. i'm feeling something wrong liao. why he always sms me this few day, but after i reply him, why he never reply me de? so, i juz ask jacky by using msn. who know?? jacky say he din sms me , n he also din received my msg. har???am i hear wrongly???why will like that de??so many question marks in my mind now.(@_@)blur??so, i juz tell jacky i sms for his 017 number. u know what jacky say? he say he din use 017, he juz use 019 n 017 . har???more blur!!!(=_=)OO, i know ady!!! that ppl who sms me this few day not my friend aboyajacky. that is some one i dunno de jacky. eh eh eh. don laugh har!but if u laugh also never mind lar, bcoz i also want laugh about myself liao. haha^^Alamak. why i so stupid 1? reply that guy msg, n add his number in my active 5. wahlao leir.(>_<) waste my time nia. but fortunaly i din send my photo for him. if not, i need go bang wall ady. Haiz, Haiz , Haiz. this stupid thing also can happened in my life ar.....(T_T)
ok lar. a stupid story already finish. thank you for ur reading. wakaka(^_^) tata.
write by:
wendy loh
2008年3月20日 星期四
lazy + tired....
oh. today is a public holiday,but it is not a good day for me. today sleep until very late, almost 12.30pm, bcoz yesterday 3++am i juz sleep. juz wake up only, i already feel my stomch so uncomfortable, somemore my body so tired. maybe yesterday too late go to sleep gua.(>_<)after bath, straight go to G block to see the new house that i want to change. after settle all the thing there, juz go to hav my lunch. what i eat for my lunch? Haiz. don want talk liao. juz a pao + kek hua. no tasty at all.(T_T) after having my lunch, i juz watch the movie that illegal download de. (eh, keep secret for me!!if not, ''mata'' come catch me. i will eat curry rice tiap-tiap hari.) actually alvin and the chipmunks already consider is an old movie, but i juz watch it today. the chipmunks so cute lar. n they voice also cute. (^_^)after watch that movie, i also go download the song that inside the movie. dunno why, when i hear the song, i will feel happy.^^
actually nothing special to write for today. tomorow need to balik kampung liao. maybe two day cant write the today juz want to write something here. juz now go see jason's blog. Wah!!!!he is so enjoyed today. go many place n also can walk here walk there. somemore go to kim gary eat his dinner. very jeolus lar. (>_<)i never eat kim gary before, so also dunno how the tast of ''cheesy kok fan''. Haiz. (=_=)next time also need go to try. if not got many ppl want laugh me n say me ''jungle monkey'' liao. hehe!!!^^ok lar. really nothing to write ady. stop here lor. tata
write by:
wendy loh
2008年3月19日 星期三
A troublous thing in my mind!!!
today wake up very early, about 8am like that!!! yesterday plan after class want go to eat A&W, wah!!!very happy. bcoz i already about 10++year din eat A&W. eh, i din lie OO! unfortunaly, after finish today class, my friend din invite me go eat together, juz eat themself. no heart at all(T_T). so , i juz think go to eat KFC myself lor. after online, about 2pm, i want drive my motor go to hav my lunch.when i want start driving,i already feel a bit gastrik. now my brain start talking themself. what my brain think about-->" KFC at metrojaya, a bit far! if i want hav my lunch there, i will very painful. but if i hav lunch at near location, no tasty. how ar?". after this, i still go drive my suzuki smash go to KFC to hav lunch there, juz let its gastrik. hehe^^( i'm this kind of person lor!!very ngai wan)!!!
finally reach metrojaya n park my motor 1st. when my motor juz stop, suddenly got a person walk to my side. need to pay parking's money lar. wahlao!!! juz go buy food a while also need RM1 ar!!!so expensive.(>_<)i order a zinger burger n cheezy wages as my lunch today. but the tast a bit different, bcoz the staff din give the chili source for me. so this time is the first time i eat burger without any source!!!^^after lunch juz sitting in front the computer online again!!!at this moment, my friend call me n ask me about how to be the student leader again. actually i hav a bit beh syok. bcoz i dun want let many ppl know i will be the student leader. but my roomate go to tell another ppl jor. so, what to do? juz let they know lor. since many ppl know this thing, now i bcome many competitor n chance also bcome less ady. Haiz. trouble!!!
besides that, still hav another thing make me trouble. that is about rent the new house. now i'm tried to search the room for shi yun n yan shan, bcoz this new intake, they want come TARC study. they said want a room that hav steamyx, but i juz found a room no hav stearmyx now. the room are bcome more n more difficult to find, bcoz many new intake student also start to finding house. this thing already make me dizzy. tomorow still need go visit the house to make sure the house is worth to rent or not. but never mind lar. help friend mar. even how tired also need to try my best n do as good as possible lar.hehe^^ dinner got a bit different. what i eat for my dinner? that is chocolate drink(milo) + chocolate bread + carbery chocolate. hahaha. i'm a person who very like to eat chocolate, this is bcoz according to the doctor, chocolate can make us feel happy Oo. hehe(^_^) actually i can go out to hav my dinner de. bcoz about 7pm like that, sang leong sms me n invite me to hav dinner with him. but i don want. why? i also dunno. maybe i already long time din see him, suddenly cant accept n dunno what should i do. juz can say my heart din ready yet. eventhough hav a moment, he is an important person in my heart, but what r happend today is already change, now he is juz a friend to me. Haiz. don talk about relationship lar. no good at all. (>_<)lets talk about something happy for all student. tomorow is public holiday. wah, today can sleep very late n tomorow sleep until noon lor.wakaka. at last, hope all my friend will hav a nice day tomorow. i juz stop at here . bye.
write by:
wendy loh
2008年3月18日 星期二
What's a boring day?
today actually is a good day, bcoz afternoon juz got class, so syok lar!!! Last night plan i want sleep until 11.30am, but today 10++am already wake up ady. why? bcoz the weather hot until i cant continue my sleeping!!!haiz...after having my lunch, juz go to attend my class. that class is one of the boring class in this sem(Fundamentals of marketing), the sllybus all is teory. hear until i feel sleepy.damm boring lar!!!actually until now i also don know what r that subject talking about. Haiz. tomorow also got that class. want go to bang wall ady!!!(T_T)
5pm, juz finish today class.Yeah!!!when i pass the notice board, suddenly see a notice that inform all the swc and orientation week members go to meeting. eh!!?? i also want to be a student leader for orientation week 2008. so after this i quickly go n ask my senior how to become a student leader??she juz tell me swc will open a fair for orientation 2008 next week, i can go to apply form n interview there!!! har? INTERVIEW? when i hear want to interview, sunny day become rainny day in my mind!!!i hate interview lar. bcoz i dunno how to use english comunicate with other. somemore if i want be a student leader, i need to spend my sem break to prepare all the thing n also cant go Pulau Redang with my friend.All my planning for sem break also will gone.So, what the good choice for me? i also dunno. but juz now when i msn with jason, he tell me "never try never know", so i think i should confident with myself n go to interview first. no matter can be a leader or not, after try then i will know it.
today night is a raining day. i cant go out n buy my dinner, so juz stay at home eat maggie mee alone. so pity lar. (>_<) after dinner, continue eat my chocolate.wah!! sure i will become fat if continue eat like that.haha!!(^_^)today need to sleep more earlier, bcoz tomorow got morning class for damm boring subject.aiyo, i also dunno what can write ady. In conclusion, juz got one word to describe for today. that is BORING.....
write by:
wendy loh
2008年3月17日 星期一
wah!!!first day writing my blog!!!!
today is first day to start my bloging. so happy, bcoz can share my feeling , n my life with all of the ppl. but until now still thinking donno hav ppl wanna read or not. actually here is juz a place to show what i'm thinking about!!!i'm a simple person. no matter today is a lot of happiness or sadness, i juz want to share it. either it is by phone or by writing blog. ok lar. let me tell what i'm doing today.....hehe
today wake up a bit earlier, about 10am, bcoz 11am already got class. when attend the lecture, wah!!so hungry, bcoz i din hav my breakfast this morning,(mostly i din hav my breakfast everyday), fortunatly i know i will hungry , so i already prepare some biskuit before i go to college. so , i'm juz eat biskuit in front of lecturer. haha!!!after finish class, straight go to canteen to hav my lunch, wahlao, why so many ppl Q there? mati liao. donno want Q or not , scare it will like next week , when my turn, rice already finish. but after my brain discuss with my heart, i choose juz Q. after finish my lunch, juz continue to attend tutorial class, today class finish at 3pm!!!
ring ring ring!!!eh, my phone is rang. who else will call me at this time? jin sheng. one of my best friend since 1 month ago!!! he ask me free or not, he want me to acompany him go to prangin mall to buy clothes. no free also need to say free lar. give face for friend mar!!!hehe.after reach prangin mall, juz walk around n searching for clothes, finally din buy any clothes there,n juz go 2 watsons buy Gasbty hair gel n toner. after jin sheng send me back, he need go to redbox to work ady. today is the 1st day he go to work, hope he will enjoyed it n all the best there.
after reach home, wah!!!so many ppl nudge me to ask my msn title(mayb3 i @m @ good p3rson, but i donno how to show it). aiyo, why i write it?bcoz 1st of may, i already want move to another house, n need to say goodbye to my roomate who already acompany me n sleep with me almost 1 year. i no dare to tell them i want to move, bcoz i know they will be sad n think i'm a bad person.but... what to do? i'm juz let them think me like that, i donno how to explaine also.thats why i write that title there i donno how to show i'm a good person. when talk about this...haiz!!! juz stop here!!! bye
writing by:
wendy loh