back from kampung again.....hee^^
last friday, Haiz!!!(T_T) i din go for see 卢学睿, why???bcoz my eyes lor. when i juz wake up that morning, my eyes become 1 big 1 small. right eye 肿. my eyes become like that, don say go see 卢学睿. i want go college also feel shy ar!!!(>_<)so, that day when i go to attend class, i juz walk silently, n my eyes juz see the floor, scare let ppl see my eyes. Paiseh nia!!!! after class, i juz back KP by bus. when arrive home, my mum call me go clinic take some medicine. after take it, i feel better ady. LOL....sure it cant recover quickly lar. so, today still feel a bit pain.
today morning, i wake up very early. about 9.30am like that. because i want go my secondary school to take sijil SPM. but when i arrive admin office, n say i want take sijil SPM, the admintrator say the sijil for 2006 din comes out. need to wait 2 year juz can take. thats mean 2009 juz can take my sijil SPM.Wahlao ler. waste my sleep time nia. take ntg there....haiz!!!(=_=)
5pm, start drive car to back penang ady. Wow!!!so excited....(^_^) today is my first time drive car go penang. feel scare...because penang many car lor. but my mum say want to train me. so, i juz drive lor. finally, i juz drive until penang bridge nia. because my dad want go penang road, i dunno how to go. so, juz change for my dad to drive lor. a bit dissapointed...(=_=)but can drive until penang bridge , i already admire myself liao lor!!!!many ppl also can drive until there ar!!!...i very 厉害liao lor....wakaka
after take my dinner with my dad n mum, juz back tanjung bungah liao!!!arrive penang home. when i juz walk in the house. Wah!!!(@_@), why my hostel become so clean???????<----many question marks.....actually my hostel very dirty before. eh, don think that is i do de Oo.....i din do that!!!i am a clean person, u know?....wakaka(^_^)very surprising about my hostel environment. Juz my room seem like no different, but i also know got ppl clean my room. u know why i know it???because hor....they clean until my thing put wrong place.haha...thats why..... i know got ppl clean it.hehehe^^
the most interest thing happened today is what my title write lor. maybe next time, i want drive until penang liao. not only to penang bridge. ok lar.all thing happened today already finish writing. juz Stop here...bye!!!
write by:
wendy loh
2008年3月30日 星期日
1st time drive car to penang bridge!!!
LOVE wendy
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