today start my midterm test, so yesterday do revision until don think like i very hardworking O.actually i also 临时抱佛脚 de. haha(^_^) today morning, wake up at 12pm, because i want study, so today din go out buy lunch liao. waste time!!!juz cincai eat. so, my lunch juz a cup of milo. what my study is all about finance, my lecturer say who are money face de sure interest in this subject. i think i also quiet money face de. so, i find some fun in this subject. hehe....but chapter 3, wah, pening lor. all formula. about 10++ formula need to memories. what to do??juz read lor. no idea ady....(>_<)
5.30pm, raining start, but i din carry umbrella, juz walk to college for test. after reach LB1, take a place to sit down. juz start my test. Haiz. very scare i will forget what i'm read last night n this morning. mostly the answer not really sure de. juz simply write n never let it blank only. 1 hour ago, time up ady. so, i juz pass up the paper and back home. when i reach home 1st thing that i do is to check my answer lor. Aiyo, Alamak!!!debt ratio's formula wrong ady.(T_T) but nasib baik , juz 1 question wrong. Haiz.....not confident for my test juz now. sure cant get good result, but if want pass only ,maybe can lar.(=_=)
when 8++pm, juz drive my lovely motor go to kaleel nasi kandar to buy my dinner!!!today dinner is roti canai + roti bom. roti bom there quiet tasty de. after buying, suddenly think about soft drink , so juz drive to 7-11 to buy lor. unfortunaly, the mechine there already rosak.that mechine always rosak 1. next time want go to suggest the staff to throw the mechine away liao.wakaka(^_^) stomach tell me , it already hungry, so i juz quickly back to the home and take my dinner lor.
actually today juz a normal day. what is adnormal is only my midterm test nia . but already past jor. continuely is my assignment ady. new sony product to introduce in new market is the question for marketing. my group members say want to do car navigator. so, i need to find some info about that product. ok lar. nothing to write ady, stop here n go to do non -sense thing...hehe(^_^) tata....muacks!!!
write by:
wendi loh
2008年3月26日 星期三
midterm test coming....
LOVE wendy
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